Born in San Mateo, California, Luisa Giulianetti was raised on her parents’ and grandparents’ immigrant stories, memories and lore shared at the kitchen table, and books that transported her to countless places. She holds degrees from Santa Clara University and UC San Diego, where she began her career as an educator. Since 1994, Luisa has worked at UC Berkeley, teaching and directing programs for undergraduates.
Her writing appears in Brilliant Corners, CALYX, HerStry, Italian Americana, Motherscope, Ploughshares, Rattle, River Heron Review, Tule Review, and VIA. She and her husband live in Kensington, California, and they are the proud parents of two children.
Agrodolce is her first book.
AGRODOLCE is a stunning feast. Delicious in its abundant cascade of sense memories; its recipes blended with lore, loss, and love; intimacies whispered with tenderness and ferocity. These marvelous pages left me richly sated—and yet greedily hungry for more.
–Elizabeth Rosner, author of SURVIVOR CAFÉ: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory.